5A District 3 - Columbia River Conference 2014

Hermiston, OR
Hosted by Hermiston

Elite Performances

8 performances met the MileSplit US Second Team standard.

HS Girls Mark Athlete Team
100 Meter Dash Finals 12.09 Jestena Mattson Hood River Valley
100 Meter Dash Prelims 12.25 Jestena Mattson Hood River Valley
1500 Meter Run Finals 4:53.28 Grace Grim Hood River Valley
High Jump Finals 5-4 Mckenzie Byrd Hermiston
Javelin Finals 128-3 Mckenzie Byrd Hermiston
HS Boys Mark Athlete Team
Discus Finals 155-6 Sebastian Barajas Hood River Valley
High Jump Finals 6-9 Jared Walchli Hermiston
Shot Put Finals 52-7 Leo Tunai The Dalles