Riverhawk Run/Walk 2018

The Dalles, OR
Hosted by The Dalles

Complete Results

Boys 5,000 Meters Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Gabe Lira                 12 The Dalles                    18:10
  2  Rey Aviluz                12 The Dalles                    18:11
  3  Friedrich Stelzer         11 The Dalles                    18:21
  4  Nick Caracciolo           10 The Dalles                    19:27
  5  Zack Ziegenhagen          11 The Dalles                    19:33
  6  Noah Holloran             11 The Dalles                    19:41
  7  Gavin Cates               10 The Dalles                    20:08
  8  Evan Despain              11 The Dalles                    20:13
  9  Zacchaeus Otto-Allen      10 Pendleton                     20:23
 10  David Wring               12 The Dalles                    20:49
 11  Michael Brooks            12 Pendleton                     21:06
 12  Diego Minguela            10 The Dalles                    21:08
 13  Eyan Springer             10 Pendleton                     21:15
 14  Aiden Gunter               9 Pendleton                     21:35
 15  Elton Harrison            12 Pendleton                     21:39
 16  Dustin Henderson          12 Pendleton                     21:39
 17  Dillon Dorado             10 The Dalles                    21:45
 18  Spencer Coburn            10 The Dalles                    21:46
 19  Leighton Redcrane         10 Pendleton                     21:58
 20  James Thatcher             9 Pendleton                     22:00
 21  Austin Agidius             9 The Dalles                    22:01
 22  Colin Shubert             10 The Dalles                    22:14
 23  Josh Brooks               11 Pendleton                     22:18
 24  Ethan Harrison             9 Pendleton                     22:20
 25  Tyler Leigh               10 The Dalles                    22:35
 26  Kaleo Theis                9 Pendleton                     22:49
 27  John Cole                 10 The Dalles                    22:55
     Davin Russell              9 Pendleton                     26:38
 28  Aaron Pyles               10 The Dalles                    23.53
 29  Angel Oregon               9 The Dalles                    23.56
 30  Elijah Tabelliaja          9 Pendleton                     24.21
 31  Will Evans                11 The Dalles                    24.25
 32  Skylar Janz               11 Pendleton                     24.50
 33  Tyler Spratling           10 Pendleton                     24.59
 34  Keyshawn Jackson          12 Pendleton                     27.14
 35  Logan Alvarez              9 The Dalles                    27.46
 36  Ayden Orion               11 The Dalles                    30.23
 37  Josh McCorkle             10 Pendleton                     30.45
 38  Leonardo Saveri           11 The Dalles                    31.46
 39  Mikey Tincher             11 Pendleton                     37.53
 40  Connor Odum               11 Pendleton                     39.13
 41  Christopher Burnett       10 Pendleton                     45.48

5,000 Meters Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points
    1  The Dalles                       15
    2  Pendleton                        50

Womens Results
5,000 Meters Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Emma Mullins              12 The Dalles                    21:57
  2  Hanna Ziegenhagen         10 The Dalles                    22:29
  3  Jordyn Murphy             10 Pendleton                     23:15
  4  Tressa Wood               11 The Dalles                    23:22
  5  Elizabeth Tapia           11 The Dalles                    23:25
  6  Ellaynah Brown            10 Pendleton                     23:44
  7  Rylee Harris              12 Pendleton                     23:45
  8  Vivian Harrah              9 The Dalles                    23:54
  9  Savannah Strassheim       12 The Dalles                    25:27
 10  Aurelia Hill              10 The Dalles                    25:32
 11  Kendall Bonzani           10 Pendleton                     25:41
 12  Julia Naughton             9 Pendleton                     25:42
 13  Kyndra Nelson             10 Pendleton                     25:44
 14  Zoe Orion                 10 The Dalles                    26:16
 15  Sierra Bonzani            12 Pendleton                     26:23
 17  Sidney Schreier           10 Pendleton                     26:45
 18  Grace Phillips            10 Pendleton                     26:54
 18  Katie Bradt               12 Pendleton                     26:59
 19  Raine Codding             11 The Dalles                    27:13
 20  Emily Johnson             10 The Dalles                    27:57
 21  Brianna Webber            11 The Dalles                    28:02
 22  Caitie Wring               9 The Dalles                    28:32
 23  Kaolyn Henderson          10 Pendleton                     28:41
 24  Joselyn Lopez             10 The Dalles                    29:24
 25  Kendall Moore              9 Pendleton                     29:39
 26  Starr Redcrane            12 Pendleton                     29:40
 27  Giovana Angel             12 Pendleton                     29:42
 28  Marin Alvarez             12 The Dalles                    30:42
 30  Brooke Zander             12 Pendleton                     31:19
 29  Aranza Aviluz             10 The Dalles                    31:26
 31  Kaiya Spencer             12 Pendleton                     32:19
 32  Sarah Winters             10 The Dalles                    33:46
 33  Sarah Scott               12 Pendleton                     35:16
 34  Lauren Galloway           10 Pendleton                     38:16
 35  Keisha Oregon             10 The Dalles                    41:55

5,000 Meters Varsity Team Scores
   Pl  Team                         Points

3,000 Meters Varsity
     Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
  1  Kai Hoff                   9 The Dalles                    23:43