Men's Results

College Men Decathlon 
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn     6864 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit     6617 
3     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho              6017 
4     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     5656 
5     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn     5143 
6     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg     5142 
7     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                 5063 
8     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn     4766 
9     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     4751 
10    Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit     4502 
11    Oman, Michael                Clark College                 4473 
12    Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn     4282 
13    Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn     4035 
14    Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                    3854 
15    Hlavacs, John                BAC                           3524 
16    Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn     2587 

College Men  110 Meter Hurdles - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn    16.06 
2     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg    16.12 
3     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho             17.07 
4     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn       NT 

College Men  110 Meter Hurdles - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit    16.01 
2     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn    17.46 
3     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    17.60 
4     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn    19.06 

College Men  110 Meter Hurdles - Heat #3
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    17.02 
2     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit    17.03 
3     Oman, Michael                Clark College                17.95 
4     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn    18.63 

College Men  110 Meter Hurdles - Heat #4
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                17.75 
2     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn    18.63 
3     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                   20.09 
4     Hlavacs, John                BAC                          20.35 

College Men  Shot Put - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn  38-8.25 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit  35-6.75 
3     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   32-5.5 
4     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn  31-3.25 
5     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn     30-9 
6     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit  30-8.25 
7     Oman, Michael                Clark College               29-6.5 

College Men  Shot Put - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho            35-4.5 
2     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                 34-0.25 
3     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College              30-5.75 
4     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   29-7.5 
5     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn     29-0 
6     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn  24-10.5 
7     Hlavacs, John                BAC                           24-7 
8     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn  22-2.25 
9     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg     21-8 

College Men  Discus Throw - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn    140-8 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit    123-4 
3     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho              97-1 
4     Oman, Michael                Clark College                 90-7 
5     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn     87-3 
6     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     81-5 
7     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn     52-5 
8     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn       ND 

College Men  Discus Throw - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                   115-3 
2     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn     90-7 
3     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                 90-3 
4     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit    74-10 
5     Hlavacs, John                BAC                           67-8 
6     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn     65-3 
7     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     58-0 
8     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg     57-4 

College Men  Javelin - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn    208-8 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit    173-7 
3     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    126-0 
4     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn    118-9 
5     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho             118-8 
6     Oman, Michael                Clark College                 92-6 
7     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     90-4 
8     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn       ND 

College Men  Javelin - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                   140-1 
2     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                135-3 
3     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn    120-4 
4     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg    110-9 
5     Hlavacs, John                BAC                          104-3 
6     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn    101-6 
7     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn    101-5 
8     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit       ND 

College Men  Long Jump - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn   19-7.5 
2     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                   13-11 

College Men  Long Jump - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho          20-11.25 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit  20-10.5 
3     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn  20-3.75 
4     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg   20-2.5 
5     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn   19-7.5 
6     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn     19-4 
7     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College               19-1.5 
8     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn   19-0.5 
9     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg     18-9 
10    Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg  18-3.25 
11    Hlavacs, John                BAC                        16-10.5 
12    Oman, Michael                Clark College              16-5.75 
13    Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn  16-5.75 
14    Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit  14-11.5 

College Men  Pole Vault 	 	 
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn  13-7.25 
2     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn  13-7.25 
3     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn  13-7.25 
4     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit   13-3.5 
5     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   12-3.5 
6     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho          11-11.75 
7     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn 10-11.75 
8     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College             10-11.75 
9     Oman, Michael                Clark College                 10-4 
10    Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                    10-0 
11    Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg      9-8 
12    Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit   9-4.25 
13    Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   9-0.25 
14    Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn   9-0.25 
15    Hlavacs, John                BAC                         8-4.25 
16    Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn       NH 

College Men  100 Meter Dash - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    11.34 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit    11.68 
3     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn    11.83 
4     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit    11.91 
5     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho             11.98 
6     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                   13.96 

College Men  100 Meter Dash - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg    11.65 
2     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                12.35 
3     Oman, Michael                Clark College                12.46 
4     Hlavacs, John                BAC                          13.75 

College Men  100 Meter Dash - Heat #3
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn    11.50 
2     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    11.92 
3     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn    12.05 
4     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn    12.32 
5     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn    12.62 
6     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn    13.00 

College Men  High Jump 	 	 
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Mark
1     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn      6-6 
2     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn    6-3.5 
3     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho            6-2.25 
4     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College               6-2.25 
5     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit   5-9.75 
6     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit    5-8.5 
7     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn   5-7.25 
8     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn   5-3.75 
9     Oman, Michael                Clark College               5-3.75 
10    Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   5-3.75 
11    Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg    5-2.5 
12    Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg   5-0.25 
13    Hlavacs, John                BAC                         4-9.75 
14    Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn   4-8.75 
15    Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn   4-6.25 
16    Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                     4-4 

College Men  1,500 Meter Run 	 	 
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho           4:36.03 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit  4:39.12 
3     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg  4:41.85 
4     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn  4:45.57 
5     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn  4:46.93 
6     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg  4:47.89 
7     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn  4:48.88 
8     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit  4:52.05 
9     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg  4:52.13 
10    Hlavacs, John                BAC                        5:00.67 
11    Oman, Michael                Clark College              5:10.92 
12    Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                 5:12.17 
13    Bennett, Tyson               Clark College              5:27.75 
14    Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn  5:34.71 
15    Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn  5:43.45 
16    Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn       NT 

College Men  400 Meter Dash - Heat #1
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Zeller, Chris                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    49.74 
2     Waroff, Alex                 Southern Oregon Universit    50.30 
3     Young, Zach                  Mt. Hood Community Colleg    50.63 
4     Basterrechea, Austin         College of Idaho             51.10 
5     Sentman, Bryant              Oregon Institute of Techn    53.82 
6     Bennett, Tyson               Clark College                57.51 

College Men  400 Meter Dash - Heat #2
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Hanke, Robert                Mt. Hood Community Colleg    51.99 
2     Johnson, Micah               Oregon Institute of Techn    55.05 
3     Phillips, Joel               Oregon Institute of Techn    57.03 
4     Murdock, Mark                Team Idaho                 1:04.62 
5     Hogges, Jguwon               Oregon Institute of Techn  1:14.13 

College Men  400 Meter Dash - Heat #3
      Athlete                   Yr Team                           Time
1     Wilson, Josh                 Southern Oregon Universit    54.10 
2     Park, Tyler                  Oregon Institute of Techn    56.78 
3     Oman, Michael                Clark College                57.40 
4     Ellingson, Kevin             Oregon Institute of Techn    59.88 
5     Hlavacs, John                BAC                        1:02.74