X-C Runners Beware of the SAT Exam / Divisional Meet Conflict !
Chuck Martin
Aug 03, 2014
Please plan ahead, because the MIAA State Divisional Championships and the SAT Exam are both scheduled for November 8th. Although the MIAA seems to be an easy target nowadays, they are not to blame for this testing date change. For as long as I can remember, the SAT date has always been the first Saturday in November. This typically collides with our MSTCA Coaches Invitational and it has been widely accepted over the years as a perfect fit. The Coaches meet doesn't offer any team scoring, and the athletes compete by grade. Many coaches take the weekend off from competing, while others utilize it for a final tuneup before the Divisional meet. It was the perfect situation and it was something we all accepted into our schedules as coaches. It is now added onto the biggest Cross Country saturday of the fall, and I guess we are going to have to accept this as the way it will be for another 40 years.