6A-6 Southwest Conference Preview 2017 vs Southwest Conference Pre-District Meet 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -58 159 217
Overall Average +1:45.59 24:08.69 22:23.10
1st-10th Place +1:28.83 17:49.50 16:20.67
1st-25th Place +1:27.58 18:32.04 17:04.46
1st-50th Place +1:33.76 19:35.24 18:01.48
1st-100th Place +2:04.13 21:21.20 19:17.07
Common Athletes -- -- 64
Ran Faster -56 4 60
Ran Season Best -3 -- 3
Average Time +2:30.26 24:10.43 21:40.17
Median Time +2:16.60 23:46.00 21:29.40
Middle 80% Times +2:19.99 23:57.50 21:37.51
Top 10% Times +57.46 17:51.86 16:54.40
Top 25% Times +1:03.08 19:06.50 18:03.42
Top 50% Times +1:28.08 20:46.40 19:18.32
Bottom 50% Times +3:32.45 27:34.47 24:02.02
Bottom 25% Times +4:29.53 30:21.69 25:52.16
Bottom 10% Times +6:17.29 34:14.14 27:56.86
Average Difference +2:30.26 -- --
Median Difference +2:03.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:17.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:07.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:17.66 -- --
Top 25% Difference +53.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:17.66 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3:42.87 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4:50.38 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +6:39.63 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Truett Bostwick South Medford +1:27.00 17:27.00 16:00.00
Zachary Traul Roseburg +1:28.50 18:14.00 16:45.50
Reed Hungerford South Medford +50.80 17:41.00 16:50.20
Hunter Agsten Roseburg +1:08.70 18:00.00 16:51.30
Johan Jordaan South Medford +1:04.20 18:01.00 16:56.80
Elijah Hansen Roseburg +37.20 18:00.00 17:22.80
Ethan Foster South Medford +1:16.80 18:51.00 17:34.20
Daniel Beckstead Grants Pass -1:24.10 17:40.00 19:04.10
Joshua Scull North Medford High School +1:42.50 19:56.00 18:13.50
Grant Lulich North Medford High School +1:28.60 19:44.00 18:15.40
Dimitri Underwood Grants Pass -29.70 18:34.00 19:03.70
Marcus Loghry Grants Pass +35.00 19:39.00 19:04.00
Boone Olson Roseburg +2:05.80 21:12.00 19:06.20
Emma Schmerbach South Medford +1:02.00 20:12.00 19:10.00
Steen Olson Roseburg +2:12.80 21:25.00 19:12.20
Jace Clark North Medford High School +3:12.10 22:37.00 19:24.90
Elliott Hikade South Medford +4:31.00 24:09.00 19:38.00
Jaxon Wallace South Medford +1:34.10 21:25.90 19:51.80
Gabi Wisnovsky South Medford +2:27.00 22:19.00 19:52.00
Diego Becerra South Medford +2:32.30 22:27.00 19:54.70
Aidan Vanderhoof North Medford High School +2:04.70 22:03.00 19:58.30
Wyatt Lowe Roseburg +1:38.10 21:52.00 20:13.90
Benjamin Herrold Roseburg +49.20 21:12.00 20:22.80
Trenton Hoschouer Roseburg +1:46.80 22:12.00 20:25.20
Brennan Sampson North Medford High School +39.80 21:21.00 20:41.20
Alex Buster Roseburg +5:00.80 25:47.00 20:46.20
Deanndria Shields South Medford +1:38.10 22:40.00 21:01.90
Parker Townsend Roseburg +1:25.60 22:36.00 21:10.40
Alai Manazano South Medford +2:01.40 23:14.00 21:12.60
Robby Clarke Roseburg +3:09.00 24:22.00 21:13.00
Isaac Allen Roseburg +1:26.60 22:40.00 21:13.40
Abby Burton South Medford +2:38.90 23:55.00 21:16.10
Joseph Larson Roseburg +2:45.60 24:15.00 21:29.40
Emily Mcallister South Medford +1:09.40 22:42.00 21:32.60
Eden Childers Roseburg +2:03.40 23:46.00 21:42.60
Drake Laskey Grants Pass +55.40 22:52.00 21:56.60
Tryton Gaoiran North Medford High School +2:45.90 24:44.00 21:58.10
Samantha Dara Grants Pass +3:13.50 25:12.00 21:58.50
Anna Mcallister South Medford +2:04.20 24:03.00 21:58.80
Sarah Sturley Grants Pass +3:07.10 25:16.00 22:08.90
Faith Schultz Grants Pass +1:13.00 23:23.00 22:10.00
Emily Bath Grants Pass +3:23.40 25:40.00 22:16.60
Aidan Alcock Roseburg +4:22.00 26:53.00 22:31.00
Nicholas Bolin Roseburg -14.50 22:33.00 22:47.50
Colby Fairbairn Roseburg +4:30.10 27:04.00 22:33.90
Sophia Tate Roseburg +3:53.00 26:31.00 22:38.00
Ada Ebert North Medford High School +1:32.10 24:13.00 22:40.90
Lucy Lytle North Medford High School +2:13.30 25:00.00 22:46.70
Nina Wilhoft Roseburg +2:31.60 25:30.00 22:58.40
Cammeo Ramirez North Medford High School +3:25.10 26:41.00 23:15.90
George Cook Grants Pass +1:02.80 25:04.00 24:01.20
Grace Backen Roseburg +3:08.50 27:25.00 24:16.50
Sage Hartsfield Grants Pass +4:41.30 28:58.00 24:16.70
Tatum Stuart Grants Pass +7:07.10 31:37.00 24:29.90
Abby Durrant Grants Pass +2:05.70 26:36.00 24:30.30
Paris Coleman Roseburg +2:33.80 27:19.00 24:45.20
Graeme Wiltrout North Medford High School -36.90 25:40.00 26:16.90
Allie Fetsch Roseburg +6:04.50 31:47.00 25:42.50
Austin Bellew Roseburg +7:25.40 33:13.00 25:47.60
Abigail Smith Roseburg +6:03.40 31:54.00 25:50.60
Andrew Cahn North Medford High School +2:09.10 28:41.00 26:31.90
Ellie Crawford Grants Pass +8:11.10 35:59.00 27:47.90
Rachel Way Roseburg +3:43.30 33:50.00 30:06.70
Lily Kilgore Roseburg +8:02.60 41:19.00 33:16.40