Oregon Invitational 2007

Monmouth, OR


Sprinfield Country Club
Springfield, Ore.
Conditions: 60 degrees, partly sunny, wind 0-5 mph, soft, mostly flat grass golf course terrain (2K loops).
Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007

Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual.


  1   Oregon                   54    2    9   12   15   16   26   29   23:45        29
  2   Wisconsin                73    1   11   14   23   24   32   43   23:48        39
  3   Alabama                 111    3    4   17   25   62   95        23:54      1:17
  4   Portland                137    8   10   18   46   55   60   69   24:04        50
  5   Ucla                    147    5   22   35   37   48   49   54   24:05        52
  6   Utep                    148    7   28   30   41   42   97  102   24:04        37
  7   Washington              176   21   27   33   44   51   66   74   24:11        32
  8   Cal Poly                183   13   34   39   47   50   52   56   24:13        38
  9   New Mexico              221    6   20   63   65   67   88   90   24:24      1:13
 10   Ohio State              292   36   45   61   64   86   99  104   24:42      1:19
 11   Colorado St.            302   19   57   72   75   79   92   96   24:42      1:09
 12   Duke                    330   53   58   70   73   76   80   87   24:47        28
 13   Utah State              343   31   68   77   82   85   89   91   24:53      1:15
 14   Marquette               352   40   59   78   81   94  100  103   24:59      1:30
 15   Georgia                 369   38   71   83   84   93   98  101   25:04      1:30


1. Oregon
    2           Shadrack Kiptoo-Biwott, Oregon              23:24 
    9           Carlos Trujillo, Oregon                     23:46 
   12           Kenny Klotz, Oregon                         23:49 
   15           Danny Mercado, Oregon                       23:53 
   16           Diego Mercado, Oregon                       23:53 
   26           A  J. Acosta, Oregon                        24:01 
   29           Scott Wall, Oregon                          24:02 
Time = 1:58:43     Places = 54

2. Wisconsin
    1           Matt Withrow, Wisconsin                     23:20 
   11           Andrew Lacy, Wisconsin                      23:48 
   14           Brandon Bethke, Wisconsin                   23:52 
   23           Craig Miller, Wisconsin                     23:59 
   24           Christian Wagner, Wisconsin                 23:59 
   32           Landon Peacock, Wisconsin                   24:04 
   43           Ryan Gasper, Wisconsin                      24:20 
Time = 1:58:56     Places = 73

3. Alabama
    3           Emmanuel Bor, Alabama                       23:26 
    4           Augustus Maiyo, Alabama                     23:30 
   17           Andrew Kirwa, Alabama                       23:54 
   25           Abraham Kutingala, Alabama                  23:59 
   62           Titus Koeh, Alabama                         24:43 
   95           Paul Guevara, Alabama                       25:48 
Time = 1:59:30     Places = 111

4. Portland
    8           John Moore, Portland                        23:45 
   10           David Kinsella, Portland                    23:47 
   18           Michael Kilburg, Portland                   23:54 
   46           Colin Longmuir, Portland                    24:22 
   55           Justin Houck, Portland                      24:34 
   60           Tommy Betterbed, Portland                   24:39 
   69           Mike Quackenbush, Portland                  24:54 
Time = 2:00:20     Places = 137

5. Ucla
    5           Austin Ramos, Ucla                          23:37 
   22           Laef Barnes, Ucla                           23:58 
   35           Drew Shackleton, Ucla                       24:10 
   37           Kyle Shackleton, Ucla                       24:11 
   48           Jake Matthews, Ucla                         24:28 
   49           Alex Crabill, Ucla                          24:28 
   54           Marco Anzures, Ucla                         24:31 
Time = 2:00:23     Places = 147

6. Utep
    7           Stephen Samoei, Utep                        23:42 
   28           Nicodemus Ng\'etich, Utep                    24:01 
   30           Patrick Mutai, Utep                         24:02 
   41           Dominic Tanui, Utep                         24:18 
   42           Japheth Ngo\'joy, Utep                       24:18 
   97           Aggrey Chirchir, Utep                       25:53 
  102           Elias Koech, Utep                           26:19 
Time = 2:00:19     Places = 148

7. Washington
   21           Kelly Spady, Washington                     23:57 
   27           Jon Harding, Washington                     24:01 
   33           Carl Moe, Washington                        24:07 
   44           Max O\'Donoghue-McDonald, Washington         24:20 
   51           Riley Booker, Washington                    24:29 
   66           Brian Govier, Washington                    24:51 
   74           Adam Shimer, Washington                     24:57 
Time = 2:00:53     Places = 176

8. Cal Poly
   13           Troy Swier, Cal Poly                        23:51 
   34           Evan Anderson, Cal Poly                     24:08 
   39           Phillip Reid, Cal Poly                      24:13 
   47           Matt Johnsrud, Cal Poly                     24:24 
   50           Joe Gatel, Cal Poly                         24:29 
   52           Leif Anderson, Cal Poly                     24:30 
   56           Jeff Lease, Cal Poly                        24:35 
Time = 2:01:04     Places = 183

9. New Mexico
    6           Jeremy Johnson, New Mexico                  23:39 
   20           Mat Ashton, New Mexico                      23:57 
   63           Brian Vallie, New Mexico                    24:44 
   65           Brock Hagerman, New Mexico                  24:47 
   67           Joseph Garcia, New Mexico                   24:51 
   88           Alex Willis, New Mexico                     25:31 
   90           Lee Emanuel, New Mexico                     25:39 
Time = 2:01:57     Places = 221

10. Ohio State
   36           Alex Bailey, Ohio State                     24:11 
   45           John Ealy, Ohio State                       24:22 
   61           Jeff See, Ohio State                        24:40 
   64           Chad Balyo, Ohio State                      24:46 
   86           Andy Arnio, Ohio State                      25:29 
   99           Christopher Olinger, Ohio State             26:01 
  104           Jake Edwards, Ohio State                    26:52 
Time = 2:03:26     Places = 292

11. Colorado St.
   19           Jeremy Freed, Colorado St.                  23:55 
   57           Scott Sanders, Colorado St.                 24:36 
   72           Steve Swartz, Colorado St.                  24:56 
   75           Andres Urbina, Colorado St.                 24:58 
   79           Jeff Wahl, Colorado St.                     25:03 
   92           Kip Taylor, Colorado St.                    25:42 
   96           Jake Keyser, Colorado St.                   25:50 
Time = 2:03:26     Places = 302

12. Duke
   53           Chris Spooner, Duke                         24:31 
   58           Kevin McDermott, Duke                       24:36 
   70           Bo Waggoner, Duke                           24:54 
   73           James Osborne, Duke                         24:56 
   76           Cory Nanni, Duke                            24:58 
   80           Josh Lund, Duke                             25:09 
   87           Ryan McDermott, Duke                        25:30 
Time = 2:03:54     Places = 330

13. Utah State
   31           Seth Wold, Utah State                       24:03 
   68           Jason Holt, Utah State                      24:52 
   77           Chio Lopez, Utah State                      25:02 
   82           Steve Strickland, Utah State                25:12 
   85           Nick Bolinder, Utah State                   25:17 
   89           Andrew Niccoli, Utah State                  25:38 
   91           Jared Glenn, Utah State                     25:41 
Time = 2:04:24     Places = 343

14. Marquette
   40           Scott Mueller, Marquette                    24:17 
   59           Nick Szczech, Marquette                     24:38 
   78           Brice Cleland, Marquette                    25:03 
   81           Kyle Saginus, Marquette                     25:10 
   94           Mark Kopecki, Marquette                     25:46 
  100           Peter Bolgert, Marquette                    26:05 
  103           Steve Briggs, Marquette                     26:22 
Time = 2:04:52     Places = 352

15. Georgia
   38           Ryley Miller, Georgia                       24:13 
   71           Caleb Vogt, Georgia                         24:55 
   83           Matt Roberson, Georgia                      25:14 
   84           Ross Ridgewell, Georgia                     25:15 
   93           Nathan Frasier, Georgia                     25:42 
   98           Bejan Abtahi, Georgia                       25:53 
  101           Dustin Tetley, Georgia                      26:11 
Time = 2:05:17     Places = 369

 PLACE    PLACE                    FINISHER                  TIME

    1           Matt Withrow, Wisconsin                     23:20 
    2           Shadrack Kiptoo-Biwott, Oregon              23:24 
    3           Emmanuel Bor, Alabama                       23:26 
    4           Augustus Maiyo, Alabama                     23:30 
    5           Austin Ramos, Ucla                          23:37 
    6           Jeremy Johnson, New Mexico                  23:39 
    7           Stephen Samoei, Utep                        23:42 
    8           John Moore, Portland                        23:45 
    9           Carlos Trujillo, Oregon                     23:46 
   10           David Kinsella, Portland                    23:47 
   11           Andrew Lacy, Wisconsin                      23:48 
   12           Kenny Klotz, Oregon                         23:49 
   13           Troy Swier, Cal Poly                        23:51 
   14           Brandon Bethke, Wisconsin                   23:52 
   15           Danny Mercado, Oregon                       23:53 
   16           Diego Mercado, Oregon                       23:53 
   17           Andrew Kirwa, Alabama                       23:54 
   18           Michael Kilburg, Portland                   23:54 
   19           Jeremy Freed, Colorado St.                  23:55 
   20           Mat Ashton, New Mexico                      23:57 
   21           Kelly Spady, Washington                     23:57 
   22           Laef Barnes, Ucla                           23:58 
   23           Craig Miller, Wisconsin                     23:59 
   24           Christian Wagner, Wisconsin                 23:59 
   25           Abraham Kutingala, Alabama                  23:59 
   26           A  J. Acosta, Oregon                        24:01 
   27           Jon Harding, Washington                     24:01 
   28           Nicodemus Ng\'etich, Utep                    24:01 
   29           Scott Wall, Oregon                          24:02 
   30           Patrick Mutai, Utep                         24:02 
   31           Seth Wold, Utah State                       24:03 
   32           Landon Peacock, Wisconsin                   24:04 
   33           Carl Moe, Washington                        24:07 
   34           Evan Anderson, Cal Poly                     24:08 
   35           Drew Shackleton, Ucla                       24:10 
   36           Alex Bailey, Ohio State                     24:11 
   37           Kyle Shackleton, Ucla                       24:11 
   38           Ryley Miller, Georgia                       24:13 
   39           Phillip Reid, Cal Poly                      24:13 
   40           Scott Mueller, Marquette                    24:17 
   41           Dominic Tanui, Utep                         24:18 
   42           Japheth Ngo\'joy, Utep                       24:18 
   43           Jon Thomas, Oregon                          24:19 
   44           Ryan Gasper, Wisconsin                      24:20 
   45           Max O\'Donoghue-McDonald, Washington         24:20 
   46           John Ealy, Ohio State                       24:22 
   47           Colin Longmuir, Portland                    24:22 
   48           Jack Bolas, Wisconsin                       24:23 
   49           Matt Johnsrud, Cal Poly                     24:24 
   50           Matthew Centrowitz, Oregon                  24:27 
   51           Jake Matthews, Ucla                         24:28 
   52           Alex Crabill, Ucla                          24:28 
   53           Joe Gatel, Cal Poly                         24:29 
   54           Riley Booker, Washington                    24:29 
   55           Leif Anderson, Cal Poly                     24:30 
   56           Chris Spooner, Duke                         24:31 
   57           Marco Anzures, Ucla                         24:31 
   58           Mike McGrath, Oregon                        24:32 
   59           Justin Houck, Portland                      24:34 
   60           Jeff Lease, Cal Poly                        24:35 
   61           Scott Sanders, Colorado St.                 24:36 
   62           Kevin McDermott, Duke                       24:36 
   63           Nick Szczech, Marquette                     24:38 
   64           Tommy Betterbed, Portland                   24:39 
   65           Joaquin Chapa, Oregon                       24:40 
   66           Jeff See, Ohio State                        24:40 
   67           Evan Watchempino, Ucla                      24:40 
   68           Titus Koeh, Alabama                         24:43 
   69           Brian Vallie, New Mexico                    24:44 
   70           Marlon Patterson, Ucla                      24:45 
   71           Chad Balyo, Ohio State                      24:46 
   72           Carl Dargitz, Cal Poly                      24:47 
   73           Brock Hagerman, New Mexico                  24:47 
   74           Ryan Craven, Wisconsin                      24:49 
   75           Brian Govier, Washington                    24:51 
   76           Joseph Garcia, New Mexico                   24:51 
   77           Jason Holt, Utah State                      24:52 
   78           Mike Quackenbush, Portland                  24:54 
   79           Bo Waggoner, Duke                           24:54 
   80           Caleb Vogt, Georgia                         24:55 
   81           Zuber Ahmed, Portland                       24:55 
   82           Steve Swartz, Colorado St.                  24:56 
   83           Matt Dettman, Oregon                        24:56 
   84           James Osborne, Duke                         24:56 
   85           Adam Shimer, Washington                     24:57 
   86           Noah Shannon, Wisconsin                     24:58 
   87           Andres Urbina, Colorado St.                 24:58 
   88           Cory Nanni, Duke                            24:58 
   89           Dino Bozzone, Portland                      25:00 
   90           Caleb Knox, Washington                      25:02 
   91           Chio Lopez, Utah State                      25:02 
   92           Brice Cleland, Marquette                    25:03 
   93           Jeff Wahl, Colorado St.                     25:03 
   94           David Pede, Wisconsin                       25:09 
   95           Josh Lund, Duke                             25:09 
   96           Kyle Saginus, Marquette                     25:10 
   97           Steve Strickland, Utah State                25:12 
   98           Eric Dettman, Oregon                        25:13 
   99           Matt Roberson, Georgia                      25:14 
  100           Ross Ridgewell, Georgia                     25:15 
  101           Nick Bolinder, Utah State                   25:17 
  102           Henry Hagenbuch, Ucla                       25:21 
  103           Andrew Wright, Cal Poly                     25:23 
  104           Robert Cosby, Portland                      25:26 
  105           Andy Arnio, Ohio State                      25:29 
  106           Ryan McDermott, Duke                        25:30 
  107           Alex Willis, New Mexico                     25:31 
  108           Andrew Niccoli, Utah State                  25:38 
  109           Lee Emanuel, New Mexico                     25:39 
  110           Jared Glenn, Utah State                     25:41 
  111           Kip Taylor, Colorado St.                    25:42 
  112           Nathan Frasier, Georgia                     25:42 
  113           Chris Ahl, Washington                       25:44 
  114           Mark Kopecki, Marquette                     25:46 
  115           Paul Guevara, Alabama                       25:48 
  116           Jake Keyser, Colorado St.                   25:50 
  117           Rob Schlegel, Portland                      25:51 
  118           Aggrey Chirchir, Utep                       25:53 
  119           Bejan Abtahi, Georgia                       25:53 
  120           Will Smith, Duke                            25:57 
  121           Andy Edick, Portland                        25:58 
  122           Tim Pierie, Wisconsin                       26:00 
  123           Christopher Olinger, Ohio State             26:01 
  124           Hunter Nelson, Utah State                   26:02 
  125           Larson Eric, Utah State                     26:03 
  126           Peter Bolgert, Marquette                    26:05 
  127           Dustin Tetley, Georgia                      26:11 
  128           Issac Dunkelberger, Duke                    26:13 
  129           Jesse Marino, Georgia                       26:14 
  130           Elias Koech, Utep                           26:19 
  131           Yuval Carmi, New Mexico                     26:21 
  132           Steve Briggs, Marquette                     26:22 
  133           Brian Potts, Georgia                        26:24 
  134           Andrew Palumbo, Duke                        26:37 
  135           Cody Miles, Marquette                       26:40 
  136           Mike McCarthy, Marquette                    26:51 
  137           Jake Edwards, Ohio State                    26:52 
  138           Chris Cebula, Marquette                     27:17 

\"*\" indicates females
138 male finishers
0 female finishers
138 total finishers






Sprinfield Country Club
Springfield, Ore.
Conditions: 56 degrees, partly sunny, wind 0-5 mph, soft, mostly flat grass golf course terrain (2K loops).
Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007

Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual.


  1   Oregon                   65    1    3    8   21   32   39   45   20:39      1:07
  2   Arkansas                 90   10   11   15   19   35   36   46   20:52        36
  3   Washington               93    2    6   13   22   50   53   63   20:50      1:11
  4   Colorado St.             95    4    9   23   28   31   34   51   20:52        41
  5   Byu                     104    5    7   29   30   33   37   43   20:54        42
  6   Georgia                 162   16   17   24   38   67   76   78   21:10        51
  7   Portland                178   12   20   40   47   59   74   84   21:11        52
  8   Wake Forest             187   14   18   42   56   57   61   89   21:14        45
  9   Marquette               300   27   52   62   77   82   91   98   21:37        56
 10   New Mexico              301   26   54   64   70   87   92  100   21:40      1:12
 11   Ucla                    322   44   58   65   72   83  102  103   21:42        44
 12   Montana                 324   41   49   60   86   88   93   97   21:48      1:04
 13   Oregon State            331   48   68   69   71   75   79   80   21:43        28
 14   Utah State              360   55   66   73   81   85   96  101   21:51        37
 15   Utep                    403   25   90   94   95   99  104  105   22:18      1:42


1. Oregon
    1           Nicole Blood*, Oregon                       20:04 
    3           Alex Kosinski*, Oregon                      20:24 
    8           Keara Sammons*, Oregon                      20:36 
   21           Bria Wetsch*, Oregon                        21:02 
   32           Betsy Bies*, Oregon                         21:10 
   39           Sarah Pearson*, Oregon                      21:17 
   45           Zoe Buckman*, Oregon                        21:21 
Time = 1:43:14     Places = 65

2. Arkansas
   10           Christine Kalmer*, Arkansas                 20:38 
   11           Jillian Rosen*, Arkansas                    20:38 
   15           Denise Bargiachi*, Arkansas                 20:52 
   19           Dani Parry*, Arkansas                       20:57 
   35           Catherine White*, Arkansas                  21:14 
   36           Megan Jackson*, Arkansas                    21:15 
   46           Miranda Walker*, Arkansas                   21:22 
Time = 1:44:16     Places = 90

3. Washington
    2           Katie Follett*, Washington                  20:17 
    6           Anita Campbell*, Washington                 20:32 
   13           Marie Lawrence*, Washington                 20:48 
   22           Amanda Miller*, Washington                  21:03 
   50           Trisha Rasmussen*, Washington               21:28 
   53           Lauren Saylor*, Washington                  21:29 
   63           Danielle Schuster*, Washington              21:37 
Time = 1:44:07     Places = 93

4. Colorado St.
    4           April Thomas*, Colorado St.                 20:27 
    9           Heather Loseke*, Colorado St.               20:38 
   23           Kristen Hemphill*, Colorado St.             21:04 
   28           Kirsten Anthony*, Colorado St.              21:05 
   31           Allison Gohl*, Colorado St.                 21:08 
   34           Chantelle Dron*, Colorado St.               21:13 
   51           Melissa Thomas*, Colorado St.               21:28 
Time = 1:44:20     Places = 95

5. Byu
    5           Katie Bowen*, Byu                           20:31 
    7           Angela Wagner*, Byu                         20:33 
   29           Amber Duffin*, Byu                          21:06 
   30           Amy Fowler-Layne*, Byu                      21:06 
   33           Jenna Jensen*, Byu                          21:12 
   37           Cecily Lemmon*, Byu                         21:16 
   43           Tawny Bybee*, Byu                           21:21 
Time = 1:44:26     Places = 104

6. Georgia
   16           Kiah Vernon*, Georgia                       20:53 
   17           Sarah Madebach*, Georgia                    20:54 
   24           Nicole DeMarco*, Georgia                    21:04 
   38           Natalie Picchetti*, Georgia                 21:16 
   67           Houston Emily*, Georgia                     21:44 
   76           Whitni Wonderlin*, Georgia                  21:54 
   78           Jill Skinner*, Georgia                      21:56 
Time = 1:45:50     Places = 162

7. Portland
   12           Dana Morgan*, Portland                      20:43 
   20           Amie Dahnke*, Portland                      20:59 
   40           Paige Pattillo*, Portland                   21:18 
   47           Bobeya Krishnek*, Portland                  21:22 
   59           Allison Ritchie*, Portland                  21:34 
   74           Adrienne Nova*, Portland                    21:53 
   84           Natalie Hemphill*, Portland                 22:06 
Time = 1:45:54     Places = 178

8. Wake Forest
   14           Nicole Schappert*, Wake Forest              20:49 
   18           Caitlin Chrisman*, Wake Forest              20:55 
   42           Jessica Barton*, Wake Forest                21:21 
   56           Chelsea Bolton*, Wake Forest                21:34 
   57           Merry Placer*, Wake Forest                  21:34 
   61           Marley Burns*, Wake Forest                  21:36 
   89    1  W5  Cate Berenato, 9*, Wake Forest              22:25 
Time = 1:46:10     Places = 187

9. Marquette
   27           Cassie Peller*, Marquette                   21:05 
   52           Jayne Grebinski*, Marquette                 21:28 
   62           Anna Weber*, Marquette                      21:36 
   77           Kaitlyn Chambers*, Marquette                21:55 
   82           Kristin Pelzel*, Marquette                  22:01 
   91           Amanda Beggs*, Marquette                    22:28 
   98           Dani Owen*, Marquette                       22:43 
Time = 1:48:03     Places = 300

10. New Mexico
   26           Michelle Corrigan*, New Mexico              21:05 
   54           Vanessa Ortiz*, New Mexico                  21:32 
   64           Kara Henry*, New Mexico                     21:40 
   70           Carolyn Boosey*, New Mexico                 21:45 
   87           Leslie Luna*, New Mexico                    22:16 
   92           Sheyenne Lewis*, New Mexico                 22:32 
  100           Riann Lucy*, New Mexico                     22:46 
Time = 1:48:16     Places = 301

11. Ucla
   44           Shannon Murakami*, Ucla                     21:21 
   58           Claire Rethmeier*, Ucla                     21:34 
   65           Lauren Jirges*, Ucla                        21:43 
   72           Ciara Viehweg*, Ucla                        21:48 
   83           Olga Aulet-Leon*, Ucla                      22:04 
  102           Nicole Pennes*, Ucla                        22:50 
  103           Hannah Jo Roedder*, Ucla                    23:03 
Time = 1:48:28     Places = 322

12. Montana
   41           Kara DeWalt*, Montana                       21:20 
   49           Katrina Drennen*, Montana                   21:27 
   60           Brooke Andrus*, Montana                     21:34 
   86           Kesslee Payne*, Montana                     22:16 
   88           Anna Stone*, Montana                        22:24 
   93           Bridgette Hoenke*, Montana                  22:35 
   97           Kaci Callaway*, Montana                     22:37 
Time = 1:48:59     Places = 324

13. Oregon State
   48           Sylvia Veal*, Oregon State                  21:25 
   68           Casey Masterson*, Oregon State              21:45 
   69           Hayely Oveson*, Oregon State                21:45 
   71           Krista Stangel*, Oregon State               21:46 
   75           Abby Chesimet*, Oregon State                21:53 
   79           Nicole Crawford*, Oregon State              21:58 
   80           Melanie Cleland*, Oregon State              21:59 
Time = 1:48:32     Places = 331

14. Utah State
   55           Stacie Lifferth*, Utah State                21:33 
   66           Amy Egan*, Utah State                       21:44 
   73           Caroline Berry*, Utah State                 21:49 
   81           Allison Taylor*, Utah State                 22:00 
   85           Alicia Holt*, Utah State                    22:09 
   96           Kim Quinn*, Utah State                      22:36 
  101           Vanessa Hawkins*, Utah State                22:47 
Time = 1:49:14     Places = 360

15. Utep
   25           \\kelly Young*, Utep                         21:04 
   90           Jepchirchir Kigen*, Utep                    22:28 
   94           Brissia Montalvo*, Utep                     22:35 
   95           Perla Retana*, Utep                         22:36 
   99           Laura Clarke*, Utep                         22:46 
  104           Crystal Garcia*, Utep                       23:29 
  105           Delia Cesar*, Utep                          24:04 
Time = 1:51:27     Places = 403

 PLACE    PLACE                    FINISHER                  TIME

    1           Nicole Blood*, Oregon                       20:04 
    2           Katie Follett*, Washington                  20:17 
    3           Alex Kosinski*, Oregon                      20:24 
    4           April Thomas*, Colorado St.                 20:27 
    5           Katie Bowen*, Byu                           20:31 
    6           Anita Campbell*, Washington                 20:32 
    7           Angela Wagner*, Byu                         20:33 
    8           Keara Sammons*, Oregon                      20:36 
    9           Heather Loseke*, Colorado St.               20:38 
   10           Christine Kalmer*, Arkansas                 20:38 
   11           Jillian Rosen*, Arkansas                    20:38 
   12           Dana Morgan*, Portland                      20:43 
   13           Marie Lawrence*, Washington                 20:48 
   14           Nicole Schappert*, Wake Forest              20:49 
   15           Denise Bargiachi*, Arkansas                 20:52 
   16           Kiah Vernon*, Georgia                       20:53 
   17           Sarah Madebach*, Georgia                    20:54 
   18           Caitlin Chrisman*, Wake Forest              20:55 
   19           Dani Parry*, Arkansas                       20:57 
   20           Amie Dahnke*, Portland                      20:59 
   21           Bria Wetsch*, Oregon                        21:02 
   22           Amanda Miller*, Washington                  21:03 
   23           Kristen Hemphill*, Colorado St.             21:04 
   24           Nicole DeMarco*, Georgia                    21:04 
   25           \\kelly Young*, Utep                         21:04 
   26           Michelle Corrigan*, New Mexico              21:05 
   27           Cassie Peller*, Marquette                   21:05 
   28           Kirsten Anthony*, Colorado St.              21:05 
   29           Amber Duffin*, Byu                          21:06 
   30           Amy Fowler-Layne*, Byu                      21:06 
   31           Allison Gohl*, Colorado St.                 21:08 
   32           Betsy Bies*, Oregon                         21:10 
   33           Jenna Jensen*, Byu                          21:12 
   34           Chantelle Dron*, Colorado St.               21:13 
   35           Catherine White*, Arkansas                  21:14 
   36           Megan Jackson*, Arkansas                    21:15 
   37           Cecily Lemmon*, Byu                         21:16 
   38           Natalie Picchetti*, Georgia                 21:16 
   39           Sarah Pearson*, Oregon                      21:17 
   40           Paige Pattillo*, Portland                   21:18 
   41           Kara DeWalt*, Montana                       21:20 
   42           Jessica Barton*, Wake Forest                21:21 
   43           Tawny Bybee*, Byu                           21:21 
   44           Shannon Murakami*, Ucla                     21:21 
   45           Zoe Buckman*, Oregon                        21:21 
   46           Miranda Walker*, Arkansas                   21:22 
   47           Anna Sperry*, Byu                           21:22 
   48           Bobeya Krishnek*, Portland                  21:22 
   49           Sylvia Veal*, Oregon State                  21:25 
   50           Katrina Drennen*, Montana                   21:27 
   51           Trisha Rasmussen*, Washington               21:28 
   52           Melissa Thomas*, Colorado St.               21:28 
   53           Jayne Grebinski*, Marquette                 21:28 
   54           Lauren Saylor*, Washington                  21:29 
   55           Zoe Nelson*, Oregon                         21:30 
   56           Hayley Belli*, Oregon                       21:31 
   57           Vanessa Ortiz*, New Mexico                  21:32 
   58           Stacie Lifferth*, Utah State                21:33 
   59           Chelsea Bolton*, Wake Forest                21:34 
   60           Merry Placer*, Wake Forest                  21:34 
   61           Claire Rethmeier*, Ucla                     21:34 
   62           Allison Ritchie*, Portland                  21:34 
   63           Brooke Andrus*, Montana                     21:34 
   64           Marley Burns*, Wake Forest                  21:36 
   65           Anna Weber*, Marquette                      21:36 
   66           Danielle Schuster*, Washington              21:37 
   67           Angela Petersen*, Byu                       21:37 
   68           Mo Huber*, Washington                       21:39 
   69           Kara Henry*, New Mexico                     21:40 
   70           Caroline Peyton*, Arkansas                  21:42 
   71           Tiffany Redlarczyk*, Arkansas               21:43 
   72           Lauren Jirges*, Ucla                        21:43 
   73           Amy Egan*, Utah State                       21:44 
   74           Houston Emily*, Georgia                     21:44 
   75           Casey Masterson*, Oregon State              21:45 
   76           Hayely Oveson*, Oregon State                21:45 
   77           Anna Imperati*, Washington                  21:45 
   78           Carolyn Boosey*, New Mexico                 21:45 
   79           Krista Stangel*, Oregon State               21:46 
   80           Claire Michel*, Oregon                      21:48 
   81           Ciara Viehweg*, Ucla                        21:48 
   82           Caroline Berry*, Utah State                 21:49 
   83           Jennifer Harper*, Arkansas                  21:49 
   84           Lauren Kleppin*, Colorado St.               21:49 
   85           Stacy Slight*, Byu                          21:52 
   86           Adrienne Nova*, Portland                    21:53 
   87           Abby Chesimet*, Oregon State                21:53 
   88           Whitni Wonderlin*, Georgia                  21:54 
   89           Kaitlyn Chambers*, Marquette                21:55 
   90           Carolyn Quebe*, Byu                         21:56 
   91           Brooke Anderson*, Washington                21:56 
   92           Jill Skinner*, Georgia                      21:56 
   93           Nicole Crawford*, Oregon State              21:58 
   94           Melanie Cleland*, Oregon State              21:59 
   95           Allison Taylor*, Utah State                 22:00 
   96           Kylie Foley*, Georgia                       22:00 
   97           Kristin Pelzel*, Marquette                  22:01 
   98           Katie Dye*, Oregon State                    22:01 
   99           Lorene Young*, Oregon State                 22:02 
  100           Olga Aulet-Leon*, Ucla                      22:04 
  101           Natalie Hemphill*, Portland                 22:06 
  102           Bridget Lyons*, Georgia                     22:09 
  103           Alicia Holt*, Utah State                    22:09 
  104           Holly Thomson*, Oregon State                22:10 
  105           Jillian Lammers*, Georgia                   22:13 
  106           Rebekah Madebach*, Georgia                  22:15 
  107           Kesslee Payne*, Montana                     22:16 
  108           Leslie Luna*, New Mexico                    22:16 
  109           Erin Lewis*, Oregon                         22:17 
  110           Wendy Harris*, Byu                          22:18 
  111           Anna Stone*, Montana                        22:24 
  112    1  W5  Cate Berenato, 9*, Wake Forest              22:25 
  113           Jepchirchir Kigen*, Utep                    22:28 
  114           Amanda Beggs*, Marquette                    22:28 
  115           Sheyenne Lewis*, New Mexico                 22:32 
  116           Jean-Marie Peterson*, Oregon State          22:34 
  117           Bridgette Hoenke*, Montana                  22:35 
  118           Brissia Montalvo*, Utep                     22:35 
  119           Perla Retana*, Utep                         22:36 
  120           Kim Quinn*, Utah State                      22:36 
  121           Katie Weise*, Georgia                       22:37 
  122           Kaci Callaway*, Montana                     22:37 
  123           Dani Owen*, Marquette                       22:43 
  124           Laura Clarke*, Utep                         22:46 
  125           Mary Kettering*, Montana                    22:46 
  126           Riann Lucy*, New Mexico                     22:46 
  127           Vanessa Hawkins*, Utah State                22:47 
  128           Erin Stratton*, Utah State                  22:49 
  129           Nicole Pennes*, Ucla                        22:50 
  130           April Rowlan*, Utah State                   22:56 
  131           Whitney Curry*, Wake Forest                 23:02 
  132           Hannah Jo Roedder*, Ucla                    23:03 
  133           Cobbie Jones*, Ucla                         23:13 
  134           Laura Steinmetz*, Marquette                 23:25 
  135           Crystal Garcia*, Utep                       23:29 
  136           Annie Adams*, Ucla                          23:34 
  137           Alexis Meyer*, Utah State                   23:37 
  138           Anne-Marie Duncan*, Wake Forest             23:46 
  139           Stasia Ploskonka*, New Mexico               23:52 
  140           Delia Cesar*, Utep                          24:04 
  141           Christina Richards