Bridget Nelson 2024 vs Bridget Nelson Meet 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 177 156
Overall Average +54.39 25:24.49 24:30.10
1st-10th Place -17.57 18:33.71 18:51.28
1st-25th Place -17.21 19:11.56 19:28.78
1st-50th Place -17.43 20:02.60 20:20.03
1st-100th Place +4.14 21:54.63 21:50.49
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -2 26 28
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time -9.87 24:19.25 24:29.13
Median Time -15.40 23:17.40 23:32.80
Middle 80% Times -2.54 23:51.21 23:53.76
Top 10% Times -27.27 18:45.48 19:12.75
Top 25% Times -25.97 19:21.98 19:47.95
Top 50% Times -14.93 20:34.36 20:49.29
Bottom 50% Times -4.82 28:04.14 28:08.96
Bottom 25% Times -4.93 31:19.73 31:24.66
Bottom 10% Times -21.08 35:56.78 36:17.87
Average Difference -9.87 -- --
Median Difference +2.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2.60 -- --
Top 10% Difference -26.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.81 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.16 -- --
Top 50% Difference -12.81 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -6.94 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -25.58 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -17.63 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Caleb Caldwell The Dalles -1:23.10 18:04.40 19:27.50
Tyson Long The Dalles +9.80 18:37.10 18:27.30
Aiden Erickson The Dalles +0.20 18:40.50 18:40.30
Noah Preston The Dalles -32.10 18:54.80 19:26.90
Trey Hodges The Dalles -20.70 19:07.40 19:28.10
Jake Wilson Heppner -49.70 19:08.70 19:58.40
Zebulun Stelzer The Dalles -35.10 19:11.30 19:46.40
Phoenix Nanie The Dalles -46.60 19:16.30 20:02.90
Tanner Prindle Umatilla -19.30 19:33.50 19:52.80
Josef Lutz The Dalles -13.20 19:43.00 19:56.20
William Dunn Sandy -33.10 20:03.60 20:36.70
Owen Meissner Sandy -1:30.10 20:04.00 21:34.10
Jack Dewey The Dalles +2:29.00 22:44.50 20:15.50
Cristobal Moreno Umatilla -1:37.00 20:21.50 21:58.50
Alaina Casady The Dalles -53.10 20:21.60 21:14.70
Zachary Budell Sandy -2:00.40 20:28.50 22:28.90
Lily Nichols Heppner +12.10 20:42.40 20:30.30
Zachary Pietzold Sandy +25.70 21:07.70 20:42.00
Tomei' Tomeo Glenwood School +2:00.90 22:45.10 20:44.20
Aaron Mckillip-Stephens Sandy -1:26.20 21:03.10 22:29.30
Finley Lafayette Sandy -4.50 21:17.20 21:21.70
Hudson Goers Sandy +2.20 21:23.00 21:20.80
Christian Tomeo Glenwood School +14.10 21:54.30 21:40.20
Lilley Wedell Sandy -7:12.50 21:55.70 29:08.20
Asa Waller The Dalles +1:06.50 23:17.40 22:10.90
Michael Harris Riverside +51.30 23:08.80 22:17.50
Riley Archer Heppner +9.20 22:39.70 22:30.50
Nayelie Vergara The Dalles +2:15.20 25:23.50 23:08.30
Abigail Pope The Dalles -22.70 23:10.10 23:32.80
Chloe Hutchison Sandy -56.90 23:22.80 24:19.70
Gianna Carneiro Sandy +13.80 23:52.60 23:38.80
Brooklyn Hendricks Heppner +2.30 23:42.10 23:39.80
Brynn Fleming-Harris Sandy +8.30 24:10.30 24:02.00
Marley Perry The Dalles -3:04.30 24:04.90 27:09.20
Laura Black The Dalles +15.50 24:38.40 24:22.90
Hailey McDaniel Heppner -1:01.70 24:27.00 25:28.70
Eden Enkey Umatilla +2:24.50 26:55.20 24:30.70
Rokiah Notbohm The Dalles +2:46.90 27:39.70 24:52.80
Caleb Mudaliar Sandy +40.70 25:44.80 25:04.10
Carolyne Koehler North Lake MS -36.80 25:15.00 25:51.80
Pilar Courter Sandy +14.90 25:34.60 25:19.70
Ruth Ricketts Sandy +14.30 25:49.60 25:35.30
Devon Wiltberger Riverside -1:03.30 25:42.20 26:45.50
Gabrielle Kahler The Dalles +2:14.50 28:03.90 25:49.40
Leiliana Lissman Riverside -45.50 27:15.40 28:00.90
Caelyn Pullen Riverside +1:27.80 28:52.80 27:25.00
Emme Prindle Umatilla +2:12.40 30:05.80 27:53.40
Troy Hamby North Lake MS -1:51.60 28:13.20 30:04.80
Alyssa Bow Umatilla +1:09.60 30:53.70 29:44.10
Meghan Owens Umatilla +1:22.40 33:33.70 32:11.30
Ivan Martinez The Dalles +1:15.10 33:56.50 32:41.40
Elliot Winwood The Dalles -5:37.00 34:27.60 40:04.60
Madison Scherer The Dalles +2:22.50 39:14.80 36:52.30
Emmalee Sharp North Lake MS -2:18.40 43:34.40 45:52.80