5A-1 Northwest Oregon Conference Championships 2024 vs 5A-1 NWOC Conference Championships 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -6 231 237
Overall Average -53.79 21:56.36 22:50.15
1st-10th Place -7.11 16:08.31 16:15.42
1st-25th Place -6.91 16:52.39 16:59.30
1st-50th Place -12.99 17:36.09 17:49.08
1st-100th Place -27.97 18:39.72 19:07.69
Common Athletes -- -- 67
Ran Faster 43 55 12
Ran Season Best -19 25 44
Average Time -1:20.05 20:27.97 21:48.01
Median Time -1:34.59 19:40.41 21:15.00
Middle 80% Times -1:22.00 20:10.31 21:32.31
Top 10% Times -1:15.54 15:59.66 17:15.20
Top 25% Times -1:15.25 16:48.65 18:03.90
Top 50% Times -1:26.72 17:48.98 19:15.70
Bottom 50% Times -1:11.02 22:30.84 23:41.85
Bottom 25% Times -1:17.55 25:23.48 26:41.03
Bottom 10% Times -1:16.31 27:54.73 29:11.04
Average Difference -1:20.05 -- --
Median Difference -1:23.05 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:17.56 -- --
Top 10% Difference -58.18 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:05.26 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:06.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:05.26 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:34.92 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:14.88 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:17.24 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Liam Wilde Wilsonville High School -1:12.45 15:26.95 16:39.40
Andrew Dewar Canby -2:26.88 15:34.12 18:01.00
Logan King Hood River Valley -1:33.84 15:44.06 17:17.90
Gordon Thomas La Salle Catholic College Prep -1:17.75 16:09.55 17:27.30
Parker Fish Wilsonville High School -54.56 16:15.64 17:10.20
Arlo Schmidt Milwaukie -2:02.73 16:22.27 18:25.00
Kai Wagner Hood River Valley -38.29 16:25.01 17:03.30
Corbin Stoddart Canby -1:00.11 16:35.09 17:35.20
Sam Knoll Hood River Valley -1:37.59 16:41.91 18:19.50
Victor Coffman Hood River Valley -1:05.39 17:17.61 18:23.00
Evan Brown Centennial -10.29 17:22.81 17:33.10
Grayson Cook Putnam -3:14.66 17:24.14 20:38.80
Davis Kerr Hood River Valley -25.15 17:25.85 17:51.00
Hayden Stone Milwaukie -47.95 17:32.95 18:20.90
Jacob Dougall Wilsonville High School -4:28.47 17:45.43 22:13.90
Brayden Strong Hood River Valley -1:31.92 17:51.58 19:23.50
Dominic Keller Putnam -1:22.15 17:52.15 19:14.30
Landon Poulson-Owens Milwaukie -4:10.23 17:55.57 22:05.80
Colin Gerald Hood River Valley -2:03.29 17:58.11 20:01.40
Jonaven Huwiler La Salle Catholic College Prep -3:42.32 18:12.78 21:55.10
Matteo Moreno Milwaukie -1:54.83 18:19.87 20:14.70
Cruz Gonzalez Canby -2:36.16 18:20.64 20:56.80
Jadyn Kipe Wilsonville High School -2:57.05 18:31.25 21:28.30
Lukas Whittier Hillsboro -3:46.15 18:33.05 22:19.20
Logan Peterson Canby -1:25.21 18:42.99 20:08.20
Maya Crimin La Salle Catholic College Prep -32.95 18:47.35 19:20.30
Tristan Hamilton Wilsonville High School -1:13.38 18:56.42 20:09.80
Zaccai Mode Centennial +32.84 19:34.34 19:01.50
Jordan Lucas Putnam -1:45.29 19:04.21 20:49.50
Grey Stewart Putnam -2:12.29 19:08.51 21:20.80
Matthew Luty Canby -2:44.44 19:14.86 21:59.30
Gabriella Salvione Putnam -6.23 19:26.17 19:32.40
Melly Riel La Salle Catholic College Prep -1:49.79 19:31.61 21:21.40
Jacob Weissner Hood River Valley -47.89 19:40.41 20:28.30
Syl Perrin Hood River Valley -1:27.82 19:44.08 21:11.90
Grace Flowerday Putnam +31.79 20:15.89 19:44.10
Dylan Nguyen Centennial -1:31.21 19:46.59 21:17.80
Daniel Luty Canby -33.06 19:47.04 20:20.10
Christopher Lubcke Hillsboro -3:32.40 19:49.40 23:21.80
Daniel Luquin Centennial -1:23.05 19:54.45 21:17.50
Noah Marcroft Hood River Valley -55.56 19:59.24 20:54.80
Deacon English Parkrose +24.51 20:24.41 19:59.90
Jack McKay Canby -2:12.25 20:11.65 22:23.90
Ben Galant Wilsonville High School +13.17 20:49.07 20:35.90
Jackson Wood Canby -34.81 20:40.19 21:15.00
Kari Yatsushiro La Salle Catholic College Prep +2:17.92 23:03.82 20:45.90
Charlotte Fuller Hood River Valley +20.74 22:05.34 21:44.60
Cleo Christy Wilsonville High School +2:12.72 24:09.42 21:56.70
Sophia Dyer Wilsonville High School -36.59 22:28.01 23:04.60
Anastasia Davis Centennial -18.03 22:30.57 22:48.60
Mia Rosatti Hillsboro -3:45.61 22:37.49 26:23.10
Piper Johnson Hood River Valley -58.06 22:45.84 23:43.90
Katie Godkin Hood River Valley +11.25 22:59.25 22:48.00
Gabriel Aragon-Meier La Salle Catholic College Prep -5:41.93 23:06.17 28:48.10
Miles Timberlake La Salle Catholic College Prep -5:58.00 23:12.40 29:10.40
Logan Ajifu-santos Parkrose -4.37 23:22.83 23:27.20
Rowan Halseth Hood River Valley +10.35 23:40.45 23:30.10
Logan Herman Hillsboro -23.92 23:53.58 24:17.50
Emma Smith La Salle Catholic College Prep -3:13.11 24:18.69 27:31.80
Malia Crimin La Salle Catholic College Prep +2:05.97 26:26.27 24:20.30
Junia Snyder Hillsboro -2:20.22 24:29.48 26:49.70
Audrey Burke Canby -2:01.78 25:23.82 27:25.60
Delaney Collier Wilsonville High School -7.31 25:53.69 26:01.00
Alison Moran La Salle Catholic College Prep -1:10.51 26:29.49 27:40.00
Mimi Bui Centennial +40.01 28:21.51 27:41.50
Audrey Curry Centennial -37.45 28:47.75 29:25.20
Millie Gardner Milwaukie +0.29 34:00.59 34:00.30