Boys Discus
Place Name Team Mark
1 James Taylor Estacada 174-1
2 Zach Loboy La Salle 167-7
3 Mike Voight Henley 162-5
4 Matt Wiskow Creswell 156-11
5 Scott Gibson Junction City 142-7
6 Greg Smith Lakeview 141-10
Boys High Jump
Place Name Team Mark
1 Travis Knabe Siuslaw 6-6
2 Gary Magee Philomath 6-5
3 Mike Smith Sherwood 6-2
4 John Doney Astoria 6-2
4 Gerard Webber Douglas 6-2
6 Chris Renard Coquille 6-2
Boys Pole Vault
Place Name Team Mark
1 Kent Kohlmeyer Sherwood 14-7
2 Eric Whitmore Sherwood 14-2
3 Ryan McCain Banks 13-10
4 Dusty Kinman Pleasant Hill 13-6
5 Jeff Rott Phoenix 13-6
6 John Freeman Philomath 13-2
Boys Shot Put
Place Name Team Mark
1 Mike Voight Henley 53-4
2 Zach Loboy La Salle 52-0
3 Tremaine Payne Henley 50-1.25
4 Caleb Sperry The Dalles 50.72
5 Dan Chichester Cascade 51.00
6 Josh Williams Cottage Grove 51.00
Boys Javelin
Place Name Team Mark
1 Erin Hahn Lakeview 182-0
2 Sean Fuller Cottage Grove 181-9
3 Brent Daniel Siuslaw 179-8
4 Louis Broadhurst Sherwood 177-0
5 Zack Hall Cottage Grove 167-5
6 Rick Wiser St. Helens 167-3
Boys Long Jump
Place Name Team Mark
1 R. J. Richardson Gladstone 22-6
2 Jody Mortimore Pleasant Hill 22-1.75
3 Tim Campbell Seaside 21-9.75
4 David Fisher Rainer 21-5.50
5 Kevin McVicker La Pine 21-3
6 Allen Oxender Sweet Home 20-11
Boys Triple Jump
Place Name Team Mark
1 David Fisher Rainer 44-3
2 Jody Motimore Pleasant Hill 44-3w
3 Russ Thackery St. Helens 44-0.75
4 Mike Hess La Pine 43-10.75
5 Jeff Riggs Henley 43-7w
6 Robert Hoellrich North Valley 43-5.75
Boys 400 Meter Relay
Place Team Time
1 The Dalles 43.49
2 St. Helens 43.77
3 Gladstone 44.15
4 North Valley 44.58
5 Seaside 44.61
6 Cottage Grove 44.79
Boys 1500 Meter Run
Place Name Team Time
1 Jeremy Matlock Astoria 3:56.58
2 Donovan Cutsforth Philomath 4:00.25
3 Billy Harper Junction City 4:00.45
4 Russ Anderson Rogue River 4:00.45
5 Irenea Guzman Woodburn 4:01.47
6 Gavin MacCluer Myrtle Point 4:01.90
Boys 100 Meter Dash
Place Name Team Time
1 Jim Reeves St. Helens 11.15
2 Josh Shannon Hidden Valley 11.18
3 Keith Franks Junction City 11.24
4 Cliff Jeans Elmira 11.28
5 Rusty Houk Riverside 11.32
6 Ben Clampitt The Dalles 11.34
Boys 400 Meter Dash
Place Name Team Time
1 Ben Spurlock Reedsport 50.02
2 Terry Prescott Henley 50.33
3 Ray Pitts Creswell 50.41
4 Caleb Sperry The Dalles 50.72
5 Dan Chichester Cascade 51.00
6 Josh Williams Cottage Grove 51.00
Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles
Place Name Team Time
1 Peter Khalar McLoughlin 14.80
2 Jeff Price St. Helens 14.80
3 Ike Winegar Central 15.14
4 Cameron Harris Sutherlin 15.72
5 Todd Scrivner Lakeview 15.86
6 Dan Weidman Silverton 15.96
Boys 800 Meter Dash
Place Name Team Time
1 Jon Land Junction City 1:56.67
2 Scott Delamarter Madras 1:56.68
3 Abe Brown Philomath 1:57.37
4 Brian Earls La Pine 1:59.15
5 Juan Villegas Hood River Valley 1:59.23
6 Chad Leroy Henley 1:59.36
Boys 200 Meter Dash
Place Name Team Time
1 Keith Franks Junction City 22.1
2 Rusty Houk Riverside 22.3
3 Josh Shannon Hidden Valley 22.3
4 Jim Reeves St. Helens 22.4
5 Ray Pitts Creswell 22.6
6 Ben Clampitt The Dalles 22.7
Boys 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles
Place Name Team Time
1 Ike Winegar Central 39.63
2 Randy Mitts St. Helens 39.93
3 Jeff Dieu Coquille 40.06
4 Peter Khalar McLoughlin 40.48
5 Chris Allen Rainer 40.49
6 Rob Norris North Valley 41.10
Boys 3000 Meter Run
Place Name Team Time
1 Billy Harper Junction City 8:34.82
2 Jeremy Matlock Astoria 8:40.78
3 James Longoria Nyssa 8:48.39
4 Gavin MacCluer Myrtle Point 8:51.24
5 Irenea Guzman Woodburn 8:51.99
6 Kelly Lambert Taft 9:02.27
Boys 1600 Meter Relay
Place Team Time
1 Henley 3:24.77
2 Junction City 3:25.56
3 The Dalles 3:25.73
4 Hood River Valley 3:26.54
5 Reedsport 3:27.85
6 Philomath 3:30.29